To transfer google play balance, opinion rewards or gift cards to PayPal, Paytm, PhonePe, Google Pay or any UPI ID linked bank account , you can use QxCredit :Rewards Convertor app which is available on google play store: You will get back 80% of the google play balance. App link: Follow these steps to transfer your play balance to paypal or UPI: 1) download app from play store. 2) login with your google account and phone number. 3) choose a token amount which you want to convert/transfer. 4) Enter your payout details.(UPI ID or PayPal Email) 5) wait for an acknowledgement mail form qxcredit containing information about your purchased token. 6) you will receive the amount within 3 days. 7) if you face any issues you can raise a query on website: About app: Introducing QxCredit : Rewards Converter Convert /Transfer or Exchange your Google Play Balance and opini...
Google's voided purchase API can be used to find the purchases which are either refunded , cancelled, charged back by the user and use the same to take action against the purchased item(in-app purchases) in your app. you can get more information about the API here: before using the API you need to set up API access clients: 1) create or use an existing API project in google play console: =>play console=>menu=>settings=>developer account=>API access 2) create a service account and grant it necessary permissions ("view financial reports" permission) 3) create credentials for using the API: =>google cloud console =><your project>=>API & services=>credentials=>create credentials=>service account =>ensue to copy the service account credentials in the form: { "private_key_id": ..., "private_key": ...,...