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Showing posts from July, 2019

Transfer google play balance to Paytm, PhonePe, Google Pay or any UPI linked bank account.

To transfer google play balance, opinion rewards or gift cards to PayPal, Paytm, PhonePe, Google Pay or any UPI ID linked bank account , you can use QxCredit :Rewards Convertor app which is available on google play store: You will get back 80% of the google play balance. App link: Follow these steps to transfer your play balance to paypal or UPI: 1) download app from play store. 2) login with your google account and phone number. 3) choose a token amount which you want to convert/transfer. 4) Enter your payout details.(UPI ID or PayPal Email) 5) wait for an acknowledgement mail form qxcredit containing information about your purchased token. 6) you will receive the amount within 3 days. 7) if you face any issues you can raise a query on website: About app: Introducing QxCredit : Rewards Converter Convert /Transfer or Exchange your Google Play Balance and opini...

What is AI (Artificial Intelligence )? and its characteristics

Definition : Artificial intelligence  (AI) is the ability of a  computer program  or a  machine  to think and learn. It is also a field of study which tries to make computers "smart". They work on their own without being encoded with commands. Types of AI : REACTIVE MACHINES:  The most basic type of AI is purely reactive ,it does not store any memory of past or predict ( calculate ) future happenings. This type of AI is only applicable to specific applications and the principle is choosing the best decision among several options. examples: Deep Blue, IBM’s chess-playing supercomputer LIMITED MEMORY :  this type 2 kind of AI machines are distinct from reactive machine in such a way that it can make optimum decisions based on the past information ( data ). examples: self driving cars. THEORY OF MIND:  The understanding that people,creatures and objects can have thoughts or emotions which effect their own behavior. ...

Python program for integration using simpsons 1/3 - Rule

The above rule is applicable only when n=6k (multiple of 6 ) ,we just have to find the value of y corresponding to (value) of x ,given by y=f(x). Now for implementation of this formula in the program ,we need to first find the value's of y corresponding to each x : for that we have to convert the entered string by the user to a python expression for calculation of required values and then substituting in simpson's formula. The conversion of string to python expression can be achieved by using lambda function: ep=input("Expression ") f = lambda x: eval(ep) here, the input string is first stored in ep   and then converted to python expression (function) using lambda. SOURCE CODE: # SIMPSONS 1/3 -RULE # SOURCE: QXCODING.COM / JATIN YADAV if __name__ == '__main__': ep=input("Expression ") f = lambda x: eval(ep) a, b = map(int, input("limits ").rstrip().split()) n = int(input("number of strips for accuracy ...

Implementation of NBDF ( Newtons backward difference formula ) in C program

The above table shows the values which are to be calculated by subtracting the corresponding values in the preceding column, and then substituted in the formula given below: Here, p= (x-x0) /h   ; h=common difference; After substituting the differences and calculations we will obtain the highly probable value of the function at the given point. So , now heading for the program: The program contains : 2 recursive functions and one driver function (main()) Recursive functions: int fact(int num){ if(num==0) return 1; return num*fact(num-1); } this functions will return the factorial of the value which is passed to it through actual parameters. and another function float pinc()  : float pinc(float p,float pf){ if(fabs(p-pf)<0.05) return p; else return p*pinc(p-1,pf); } which accepts two arguments p=higher value and pf=lower value , for example: In the term p(p+1)(p+2)(p+3)(p+4).....

Link SQL Database in C/C++ program

For using sql database in C/C++ you need codeblocks (or any other editor) and sql server (xampp or other ). After downloading and setting up the above files : IN CODEBLOCKS: you have to add library files (*.lib) in the link libraries under linker settings which can be accessed by compiler settings. you can download the sql library file and sql header files from  here : and add the libmysql.a file under the link libraries as shown in the above screen shot. Now ,you have to just add the header files you downloaded from above link to the directory: codeblocks>mingw>include //paste here Now the codeblocks is completely configured for connecting sql server to the C/C++ program. IN XAMPP: Run the mysql service through the GUI control panel or directly run xampp>mysql_start.bat Now insert the following code in codeblocks: Code for SQL connectivity: #include<stdio.h> #include<mysql.h> MYSQL *conn; MYSQL_RES *res; MYSQL_ROW...

How to check if a number is palindrome or not? (Python)

Here i'am going to take two examples one is the basic method (long and general) and other in which i will use some inbuilt function of python to make the program a lot easier. 1st method Here , the idea is to break the digits of a number and place them in their revered order by multiplying 1 with last digit and adding 10*2nd last digit and again adding 100*3rd last digit and so on till we reach to first digit. after getting the reverse of a number we have to check that it is equal to the original number. if __name__ == '__main__': num = int(input()) rem = rev = 0 temp = num while num != 0: rem = num % 10 rev = rev * 10 + rem num //= 10 if temp == rev: print("palindrome") else: print("not palindrome") 2nd method In this method, reversed() built in function will be used to reverse the given number and check if the number is palindrome or not. take input in integer fo...