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The height of binary tree is defined as MAX(depth of leaf nodes) and depth of a node in turn is defined as (n-1) ,where n = the least number of nodes traversed through, to reach that node.
For detailed information on Implementing binary tree in python : refer here.
Definition of height function:
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For detailed information on Implementing binary tree in python : refer here.
Definition of height function:
def height(self): if self.root == None: return 0 else: return self._height(self.root, 0) def _height(self, cur_node, cur_height): if cur_node == None: return cur_height left_height = self._height(cur_node.left_child, cur_height + 1) right_height = self._height(cur_node.right_child, cur_height + 1) return max(left_height, right_height)Here, two functions are used one is used to check that if the binary tree exists or not , if exists then it will call the recursive function to traverse the left branch and right branch depth with respect to the root node , and then returns the bigger of the two by comparing. The value of depth(height ) of tree will be (returned value -1) to deduct the count of root node.
# class node: def __init__(self, value=None): self.value = value self.left_child = None self.right_child = None class BinaryTree: def __init__(self): self.root = None def insert(self, value): if self.root == None: self.root = node(value) else: self._insert(value, self.root) def _insert(self, value, cur_node): if value < cur_node.value: if cur_node.left_child == None: cur_node.left_child = node(value) else: self._insert(value, cur_node.left_child) elif value > cur_node.value: if cur_node.right_child == None: cur_node.right_child = node(value) else: self._insert(value, cur_node.right_child) else: print("already exists") def print_tree(self): if self.root != None: self._print_tree(self.root) def _print_tree(self, cur_node): if cur_node != None: self._print_tree(cur_node.left_child) print(cur_node.value) self._print_tree(cur_node.right_child) def height(self): if self.root == None: return 0 else: return self._height(self.root, 0) def _height(self, cur_node, cur_height): if cur_node == None: return cur_height left_height = self._height(cur_node.left_child, cur_height + 1) right_height = self._height(cur_node.right_child, cur_height + 1) return max(left_height, right_height) def delete_tree(self): self.root = None # freeing the memory will be taken care by garbage collector if __name__ == '__main__': b1 = BinaryTree() b1.insert(5) b1.insert(10) b1.insert(6) b1.insert(8) b1.insert(3) b1.insert(4) b1.insert(2) b1.print_tree() b1.delete_tree()
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